Energy transition tangible, positive and emotional for students
If I had known how exciting physics can be, I would have changed my mind about my choice of class subjects!
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Great for
Suggested: The time spent in class can be determined by the teachers themselves. We offer a science kit, a solar kit, and teaching units from 30 minutes to 6 hours. The science kit, for example, offers 4 different experiments of up to 45 minutes each in the physics room.
More information on how to get started and any resources shared by the Solar Education
Exciting, emotional content and materials for the classroom. The young generation is very committed to the energy transition and we offer them the opportunity to delve further into the topic through our interactive educational concepts. We use photovoltaics as a reference/synonym for renewable, sustainable energy production and integrate it into our regular lessons with our Science Kit, the Explorer Kit, the Solar Kit and the curriculum-oriented learning content.