Why it MattersChildren and adults today are increasingly limited in their access to interactive and engaging materials to partake in creative pursuits. ReCreate's core purpose is to encourage more creativity and thinking outside the box for all sectors of society through Creative Reuse. The project's holistic model addresses a number of social issuesnamely:- Working with disadvantaged groups through free workshops, discounted memberships and availing of ReCreate's materials- Encouraging social inclusion with its extensive work placement programme - Benefiting the environment by bringing the reuse of materials to a level not previously achieved in Ireland.Creative Reuse of materials can also have a deep impact at an individual and at a group level. It allows individuals to articulate in an alternative way, their inner emotions and feelings. This is particularly powerful and effective in disadvantaged and special needs communities where individuals may struggle with the skills involved in the formal and traditional communication channels of writing and talking.The BackgroundReCreate is based around the scrapstore model adopted in the UK and Northern Ireland. Organisations in Dublin ran bus trips for groups up to a scrapstore in Belfast named Play Resource Centre. In 2012, two of these organisations, Early Childhood Ireland and Tallaght Community Arts got together to explore the possibility of bringing a similar project to Dublin.ReCreate is a project of Early Childhood Ireland, South Dublin County Partnership, Tallaght Community Arts, Oakfield Trust and community representatives. South Dublin County Council are also represented on the Board. Together, we are passionate about bringing more play and creativity into people’s lives.
Just click on "Become a ReCreator to join the community and get access to resources that help you to bring the magic of Creative Reuse to your school or community group. Later you can sign up for a workshop or become a Member and get unlimited access to the materials in our Warehouse of Wonders.